How to get Propeller Madness in Royal Match

This guide is about the Royal Match Propeller Madness event. Topics covered in the guide are – How to get pickaxes, How to play Propeller Madness, event rewards, tips and best practices.

What is the Propeller Madness event?

Propeller Madness

Propeller Madness is a old event in Royal Match 2021. There are multiple steps in the time-limited Propeller Madness event. Each step has its own propeller goal and reward.

Steps are rewarded when they are completed, and you go on to the next one after reaching its propeller goal. The Grand Prize is yours if you finish every step in the contest.

The Hard and Super Hard levels reward you with extra propellers. You get greater rewards the more steps you finish.

How to play Propeller Madness Event?

Propeller Madness

Player need to be at least level 28 to participate in PropellerMadness Event. To gather propellers, you must complete levels.

Upon accomplishing a Propeller goal, the player’s account will instantly get the reward, and they will go to the next goal.

The Grand Prize will be offered if all step goals are met. If you fail or end a level, the propellers you make won’t be included in the PropellerMadness event.

Note: The propellers made throughout a level will not be counted toward the Propeller Madness if a player loses or ends the game.

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