How to Get More Lives in Royal Match (Best Method)

Lives are equally important as coins in the royal match game. In game, The lives show how many attempts the players have left to complete a level.

This post provides a summary of how quickly you can get more lives in Royal Match.

Lives in Royal Match

Lives in Royal Match edited

Lives let you know how many times you can try to finish a level. The most life you can have is 5, but if you have the Royal Pass, that number goes up to 8.

You can see how many lives you have from the number on the heart-shaped icon on the home screen.

Get More Free Lives in Royal Match

In Royal Match, there are a few ways to increase your life count. Some of them are free, while others need in-game revenue (coins).

  • Wait for Lives to Refill (Free): This is the simplest technique. You have a set number of lives, and one is replenished every 30 minutes.
  • Request Lives from Teammates (Free): If you’re in a Team (unlocked at level 21), you can request lives from your teammates. This is a great free option, but relies on your teammates having lives to spare.
  • Watch Ads (Free): Occasionally, you might see an option to watch a short ad in exchange for a free life. This isn’t always available, but keep an eye out for it.
  • Daily Spin (Free): The daily spin has a chance of giving you a free life. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s worth a try every day.
  • Use Coins to Buy Lives: This is the fastest way to get more lives, but it costs you in-game currency. You can buy lives directly from the shop menu.
  • Events and Challenges: Participating in events and challenges can sometimes reward you with free lives.

Note: Avoid websites or videos offering “unlimited lives & Lives in Royal Match” hacks or generators. These are scams that can steal your account information or harm your device.

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