Coin Master Team Castle Event guide

Team Castle is a limited time event in Coin Master. Team Castle event gives the opportunity to win great rewards. Working together is the focus of the Team Castle Event! Collaborating with your allies, you will gather resources and build an amazing castle. Along the process, you will receive rewards for your contributions.

How to play Team Castle Event?

When the event is live, the Team Castle sign will appear in the Coin Master Team area. It indicates it’s time to begin building your castle.

Team Castle Event edited

Collecting special cu
The timer in the event will show you how much time is remaining before they expire beneath the event progress bar.rrency:

During this event, special currency such as ice cubes and hammers are utilized to build the castle. You may collect special currency by performing various in-game actions such as Raid, Attack, and participating in events.

Plan how to efficiently acquire special currency by discussing with your teammates which activities yield the greatest amount of them.

Building the Castle:

There are 5 items to create in Team Castle, and there are 3 upgrading levels for each item. For every item build, there are free prizes. Here, you must select an item to build and then tap on it to begin the building process.

Discuss with your team which upgrades to prioritize based on the desired rewards. Check the information section to learn the minimum special currency contribution required to qualify for awards.

Claim your rewards:

A Castle item’s reward can be claimed once it has been constructed. When your rewards become available, claim them, and don’t forget to pick up any leftover ones before the event concludes.

The timer in the event will show you how much time is remaining before they expire beneath the event progress bar.

I hope you find this Coin Master Team Castle event guide useful for building your Castle and earning extra rewards.

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